Sunday, May 6, 2012

Ada betulnya tu..

Avinaash Subramaniam undergraduate, Harvard Universityl Completed SPM in 2008l Scored 11As out of 11 subjects
I am majoring in Organismic and Evolutionary Biology (OEB) at Harvard University. I am also taking classes from the Psychology, Chemistry and Religion Departments out of interest.

I chose this major because I'm interested in the use of plants as anti-psychotics, and to learn more about traditional medicines and healing methods. I believe they can benefit the poor who cannot afford to buy expensive western medicine.

At Harvard, I realised that all the things we studied in secondary school were a waste. I needed to retrain myself to think in a new way. I discovered that not only did exams prevent you from understanding the material but also that exams were not everything in life.

Anybody can excel in exams by using the correct answering techniques, but to excel in subjects requires much more than that.

I feel SPM is not a good way to assess how intelligent a student is because some brilliant Malaysians who didn't do as well in SPM are successful in their college life.

I did well in SPM because I studied hard but it did not help me to deal with the world after secondary school.

Studying is supposed to be fun, where students engage in subjects that they truly enjoy. However, exams suck the soul out of that.


pada pandangan I, semuanya bergantung kepada willingness seseorang tu nak study dan rezeki nya juga. Just because you tak excel in what you're doing now, doesnt mean you langsung tak kan berjaya nanti. pernah tak terfikir yang, maybe God have better plan for you. Maybe if you berjaya sekarang, you jadi bongkak and langsung tak nak buat apa-apa dah. or maybe, God nak you lebih mendalami that field you're learning now so that you can tackle anything that comes later. Tapi lumrah manusia, kadang-kadang tu kita terlupa untuk bersyukur and terima seadanya. 

Sebab gagal sekali, langsung tak nak berusaha dah. Langsung beranggapan tak baik pada semua benda. Mentaliti kita tu kena la lebih cerdas and berfikiran luas dan terbuka. And jangan pula ingat yang walaupun you dah gagal sekarang, tengok-tengok nanti you dah jadi jutawan. Hello! tanggapan yang macam tu pun salah okay. Kena lah berusaha juga, Tuah orang lain-lain. Ingat semua orang ada luck macam Bill Gates?

Dan kemahiran berfikir tu kena ada. Semenjak I ikuti program attachment ni, macam-macam I berlajar. Walaupun masih tak cukup, harap-harap boleh dijadikan basis untuk masa hadapan nanti. Apa yang sepatutnya seseorang peguam tu kena ada. Debating skill je? Communication skills je? Hard work je? Itu semua kena ada dalam package nanti.

So I nak nasihatkan kat readers sekalian, walaupun korang pun dah selalu dengan benda ni, "Gagal sekali tak bermakna gagal selama-lamanya." Maybe you perlu rasa kegagalan tu untuk you lebih ber-motivated untuk berlajar. maybe...

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